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martes, 17 de mayo de 2022

Review concepts to keep knowledge fresh: JavaScript

What is the correct way to declare a new variable that you can change? 
let = myName
Let variable can be changed after they are created

What is the outcome of this statement? 
3 is printed to the console
What are variables used for in JavaScript? 
For storing or holding data

What is the outcome of the following code snippet?
console.log('Hello world'); 
Hello world is printed to the console

What is the correct way to call the random method on the Math global object?

What is string interpolation?
Using template literals to embed variables into strings.

Which of the following code snippets would cause an error?
const food = 'chicken';
food = 'sushi';

What will the following code print to the console? 
let num = 10;
num *= 3;
*= will multiply the num by 3 and then reassign the value of num to that result.

Which of the following is an example of a single line comment?
// creates a single line comment

What is the correct way to call a string’s built-in method?
'here'.toUpperCase(); is a built-in method.

What is string concatenation? 
String concatenation is the process of joining strings together.

Console.log(`My name is ${myName}. I am ${myAgeInDogYears} years old in dog years.`);

//Create a variable named myAge, and set it equal to your age as a number.

const myAge =  20;

//Create a variable named earlyYears and save the value 2 to it. Note, the value saved to this variable will change.

let earlyYears = 2;

earlyYears *= 10.5;

// Since we already accounted for the first two years, take the myAge variable, and subtract 2 from it.Set the result equal to a variable called laterYears. We’ll be changing this value later. 

let laterYears = myAge - 2;

// Multiply the laterYears variable by 4 to calculate the number of dog years accounted for by your later years. Use the multiplication assignment operator to multiply and assign in one step.

laterYears *= 4;



let myAgeInDogYears =  earlyYears + laterYears;


//Write your name as a string, call its built-in method .toLowerCase(), and store the result in a variable called myName.

let myName = "Micamilo".toLowerCase();

console.log(`My name is ${myName}. I am ${myAgeInDogYears} years old in dog years.`);